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Electronic Marking

Electronic Marking

Our thanks to everyone who sent us a comment on electronic marking via the website post, via email, or via branch meetings. These views were given in the meeting over electronic marking and uel have agreed to send out an update on the electronic marking process. A brief report is:

  • IT is looking at the infrastructure problem
  • Management have taken the comments about health and safety, increased marking time, monitor size, tablet use, software package limitations on board and will reply to us shortly
  • The electronic marking policy only applies to text only assessment under 5000 words
  • If you use text only assessment then you may use an electronic marking system that you wish to – you do not need to use UeL preferred system.


Electronic Marking

There is a meeting scheduled for the end of June between Management and UCU to discuss a policy for electronic marking. So that we are better able to represent your needs please let us know your feelings about electronic marking by leaving a comment against this article. Click on more to find out how to leave comments (more…)