Solidarity on Thursday from UCU at the University of Westminster. (more…)
October, 2012:
UCU receives support for strike action from Northampton
On behalf of the CU Branch Executive Committee I want to extend our support for your branch’s efforts to struggle for an equitable workload agreement in the face of management’s attack on lecturers’ terms and conditions. (more…)
UCU receives support from Tower Hamlets for strike action
Hi there. Just to send our support and solidarity for Thursday’s strike. We too in FE face overwhelming workloads and attacks involving flouting agreed policies and procedures. (more…)
This Management is NOT Working
What You Don’t Know
Did you know that the Vice-Chancellor received a 9% increase in his already considerable salary in the last reporting period, whilst most staff have only been offered 1%? Probably not, because it’s one of those embarrassing facts that does not feature very prominently in InFocus, along with: (more…)
Picket Line Duty Thursday 18th October
It is very important that all UCU members observe this strike action. It is the first time that we are taking action at UEL over a local dispute and is a very important moment for academic staff at UEL. Sign up today for picket duty. We will be operating a picket from 7.30-5.30. Please do not stay at home; we need a strong collective presence at all entrances.
More information about picketing is provided below but if you have any further questions or you wish to volunteer for picket line duty on Thursday pplease do not hesitate to contact . (more…)
UCU receives support for strike action from MMU
Please convey our solidarity to your members and picket lines. As commercialism takes a hold, there is a heated drive to squeeze more ‘productivity’ out of us. You are right to fight back, but at the same time UCU should be building a national campaign on this issue. The NUT had a very successful workload campaign a few years ago and we should be doing the same. Perhaps this is an issue we need to take to Conference.We would like to invite you to talk about your campaign at a branch meeting here. (more…)
UCU receives support for strike action from City University
City University UCU Branch send support for your strike on Thursday and wish you every success in your industrial dispute.
In solidarity (more…)
UCU receives support for strike action from UCL
Allow me to convey a message of support on behalf of the UCU branch at UCL over your struggle over workloads. (more…)
UCU receives support for strike action from Queen Mary College
Sending you all the best to you and UEL colleagues for next week and in winning your dispute, from Queen Mary UCU.
In solidarity, (more…)
UCU Serves Notice of Strike Action at UEL
UCU were forced into calling strike action to defend staff working conditions at UEL after the UEL management team failed to agree to UCU’s justifiable amendments to the UEL workload document. UCU’s position is that 1) the notional 1548 hours that members are required to work should not be increased to 1650; 2) changes to working conditions outside of the norm for a member of staff should be mutually agreed by the staff member and the line manager; 3) there should be an indication of what elements fit into each category of the new workload load model; 4) a reasonable amount of scholarly activity time must be allocated within the model; and 5) the entire workload document, once agreed, can only be changed with agreement by both parties. The full letter from the Branch chair to members is given below: (more…)
UEL comes top of league – ‘Stressed academics are ready to blow in pressure-cooker culture’
According to the Times Higher UEL has come top of one of the leagues for comparing universities. Apparently we are the institution in the sector that works the longest hours see- article by Grove ‘Stressed academics are ready to blow in pressure-cooker culture’. So if you are feeling stressed then you know why now.