To All UCU members – Reconvened branch AGM
The recent UCU branch AGM was not quorate and it now seems that, due to IT problems, some members may not have received full notice of the meeting. It was therefore not possible to conclude all the business of the AGM and to ratify the new branch committee. We will therefore reconvene the AGM next week and all positions remain open for nomination:
AGM 12.30-1.30, Wednesday 5 November, EB103, Docklands
The reconvened AGM will formally confirm the new committee. Please consider standing /accepting nomination for the following branch positions (nominations can be accepted at the AGM on Wednesday):
Branch officers: Secretary, Chair, Membership Secretary, Equality officer, Anti-casualisation officer, Health & Safety officer, Treasurer.
School rep positions: ACE, ADI, Business and Law, Cass School of Education and Communities, Graduate School, Health Sports and Biosciences, Psychology and Social Sciences.
Because we have lost several active committee members we now need branch members to stand up and be counted more than ever.
Members currently nominated and seconded for the branch committee are:
Chair Dave Hyde
Secretary Jon Griffith
Anti-casualisation officer Jill Daniels
Equality officer Gargi Bhattacharyya –
Sports rep James Beale
ADI rep Rosalind Jane Carr
Meetings of all three UEL unions are planned for the first week of December to report on and discuss progress in the current negotiations concerning UEL management’s proposed performance management/review scheme.