Co COM write to the Director of HR. UCU therefore reiterates its position that the Principal Lecturer Generic Role Profile is not consistent with line management responsibilities and that the current allowance paid to Field Leaders is not permitted under the recently negotiated Framework Agreement. We propose reverting to the agreed Field Leader role descriptor negotiated between UCU and UEL management in 2005. (more…)
October, 2011:
Defend Our Pensions
All eligible staff are strongly recommended to join the employers’ occupational pension scheme.Pensions are a major topic and, even for those in their 20s and 30s, should be taken seriously as they are deferred pay and are very important in later life. This will usually be a defined benefit scheme based on length of service and pensionable salary. read more
Stamp Out Casualisation
Casualisation in all its forms is a blight to further and higher education bringing with it inefficiency, inequality and personal stress. The campaign aims to increase the use of permanent contracts; resist vulnerable employment; oppose selection for redundancy on the basis of being on a fixed-term and/or part-time contract; transfer hourly paid and other staff on casual contracts to full-time or fractional contracts; push for fair working conditions for staff on casual contracts; read more
Defend Jobs Defend Education
Universities and colleges are responding to the coalition government’s cuts agenda. In both further and higher education thousands of jobs are threatened. UCU wants to defend education. We will do everything we can to protect jobs and courses. read more
Welcome to UCU at UeL
This is the blog site is for the UCU branches at the University of East London. The site is maintained by the Docklands branch but members of the Stratford branch are also welcome to use it.
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- Find out more about UCU at UeL
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