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December, 2011:

Nominations for UCU committee

Can we remind everyone that the closing date for nominations is fast approaching. There are 15 posts for which we require representatives: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Health & Safety Officer and Equality Officer. In addition nominations are required for a single representative from each of the seven schools making a total of 15 officers. (more…)

UeL Survey

Dear fellow UCU members
After the incredibly difficult year we have all had we thought it would be VERY useful for UCU members to reflect on this by completing the annual UEL Staff Survey recently sent round by our Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive, Patrick McGhee . To complete the survey go to <>   (more…)

Catering Staff @ UEL

Rather onimously senior management are reviewing ‘in house’ provision of catering services at UEL. (more…)

Link to video of Action 30th Nov 2011

Unison have produced a video of the action taken on the 30th November 2011. See the links page to access it