UCU is setting up a working group to look at the new academic framework and the proposals for its implementation in order to collate staff concerns. If you wish to join this group then please contact a branch committee member (see the contact us page for contact details).
September, 2013:
Emergency Branch Meetings
Workload and Staffing Cuts
The sector has gone through a difficult time. Management and the Board of Governors main strategy to deal with these difficulties appears to be to just keep shrinking the university from a staffing perspective whilst spending enormous amount of money on new buildings. Other competitor universities do not seem to have fared so badly. They have strategies that seem to have mitigated the problems that UEL is under. (more…)
Workload Model
Come and hear about the latest discussions with management with regards to a workload allocation model. Matters took a step backwards with regards to the workload discussions recently and we are reduced to a surreal discussion about 12 hours notional work. It is unfortunately clear that management are way out of touch with regards to all the duties that an academic member of staff has, how long it takes to complete them or how many hours we work that are sheer goodwill. (more…)
Academic Calendar
July resits are back without any discussion with UCU. This is a breach of good industrial relations and a strong message needs to be sent from the Branch. It is clear that July resits do not work from an academic perspective. Colleagues talk about the difficulties of finding a time to take off over the year especially with marking coming at the end of semesters. (more…)
Academic Framework
Changes to the academic framework will require masses of extra work from staff to get all of the programmes restructured, redeveloped, and reapproved by the next academic year. Make sure that this shows on any workload allocation you are given. Changes must not be rushed through too quickly and in particular must not damage the student experience for third year students that could hit the NSS.
Governance at UEL
Serious questions must now be asked about the governance of the university given the worrying problems UEL has faced recently. Are they fit for purpose to use their jargon? The joint unions are going to issue an invitation to the Board of Governors to address a staff meeting; we hope they will honour the staff at UEL and attend. What other measures should be considered to hold the Board to account? We (the staff) have to start defending the institution and questions need be asked.
Recycling Assessment Questions
UCU had to recently support staff members through some simply awful disciplinary cases where staff were charged with GROSS misconduct for repeating/recycling questions. We want to remind staff that the new assessment policy states that we are not permitted to repeat/recyle questions. The new UEL assessment policy has does not permit questions to be reused / recycled but these changes have not been signaled for staff so you may of missed it.